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FEMA RiskMAP Open House

Join Advisor Trevor Barone with Brown & Brown Brevard at one of the two meetings Brevard County is putting on concerning flood map revisions that could significantly impact coastal property. This is especially timely with the recent heavy flooding brought on by Hurricane Harvey in Texas.

"FEMA is revising their Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map for these areas.

Brevard County Emergency Management FEMA Flood Zone Map

FEMA completed their restudy for coastal Brevard County and released preliminary maps. New storm surge modeling will result in changes to flood zone areas on the barrier islands and Merritt Island. Some areas will have revised flood elevations, which will impact annual flood insurance premiums, both positively and negatively. Some areas, not currently in flood zones, will change and be included, which will then require mandatory flood insurance for a mortgage.

If your home or business is in or near a flood zone, then find out whether your property is impacted, how a change may affect you, how securing flood insurance coverage before a change can save you money, and how to appeal a change either before or after the fact."

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