CAAMP August CE Class: Contracts and Community Associations 1HR OPP
Please join us for our August CAAMP Zoom CE Class;
This month CAAMP's very own Vice-president Sonia Bosinger of Arias Bosinger Law will teach a class on:
Contracts and Community Associations – reviewing them, entering into them and getting out of them.
The call will be held virtually via Zoom on Wed August 26th at noon.
Sonia Bosinger
Arias Bosinger Law
In addition CAAMP director Ryan Bonner with Anchor Painting
and Julie Scott with Burton Asphalt
will be on our expert panel
Here is the Zoom meeting invite below
Steve Kinder is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CAAMP August-Contracts and Community Associations Time: Aug 26, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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